Hissing without biting... but you better be ready to bite, for some never really know how not to come too close unless when bitten. Nice selection, Jayshree.
But if hissing hasn't been in your repertoire and you try it out as an experiment in righteous assertiveness, it may sound like just an ineffectual hissy fit unless there is a real and honest underlying threat of violence. Another aphorism is "If you're gonna talk the talk, you better be able to walk the walk." In some circles, a mere hiss will get you punched in the snoot. Still, it's better to try to remain peaceful and polite.
“Hiss like a snake does, but don’t bite.” — I like it. Thanks :)
Hissing without biting... but you better be ready to bite, for some never really know how not to come too close unless when bitten. Nice selection, Jayshree.
Tough for some to do! Thanks for sharing, Patrick!
But if hissing hasn't been in your repertoire and you try it out as an experiment in righteous assertiveness, it may sound like just an ineffectual hissy fit unless there is a real and honest underlying threat of violence. Another aphorism is "If you're gonna talk the talk, you better be able to walk the walk." In some circles, a mere hiss will get you punched in the snoot. Still, it's better to try to remain peaceful and polite.
True! This is hard to do in the real world. Perhaps the idea is to practice managing boundaries healthily.
I knew you knew. "Guru" and "Raj" is in your name. ; )
If Teddy Roosevelt had been Indian; Hiss softly but carry a big snake. ;-)
Teddy revered the buffalo. I think he was Indian in spirit.
Oh yeah, I forgot to allude to that in that last one. It is similar! I shall add it thanks Jim!