Lovely post Jayshree, lest we forget ...

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Thank you, Harry, and absolutely, lest we forget .....

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Yes. "Lest we forget"

Throughout much of, if not all of, Russia part of every marriage ceremony is a trip by the newlyweds to the local war memorial where they spend a few moments in contemplation.

Not a bad way to start a marriage.

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Interesting, every day I learn something new! Thanks for sharing.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Jayshree Gururaj

Glad to see that India still honors honorable men. Here in the U.S. we are tearing down monuments.

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023Author

Complicated, the past! Have you read, 'Just and Unjust Wars?' Btw, I was pretty surprised to find this in the heart of the city, a British-built memorial preserved and extended!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Jayshree Gururaj

Complicated indeed. Most men who have gone to war have done so honorably out of a sense of duty. I went twice. I think many thought they were duped in the end. Wars find their own justification not in philosophical books but in the furtherance of the agendas of often less than honorable men. Haven't read Michael Walzer's book, but I'll add it to my long list. Looks like Walzer was a contemporary of my uncle, James Q. Wilson, at Harvard, seemingly in the same department. I wonder if they rubbed elbows.

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I agree, and that agendas are suspect. Thank you for your service too. It is a tough choice to make. That would be quite fun if your uncle knew him! What are the chances, huh? I liked that book because it was very level in examining the way wars can be reviewed. I have read many others, but I felt his take was more balanced.

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It’s a wonderful place. A bit wild, like all of India, I presume. But a place that changed my perspective on life in so many ways.

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lol, wild is a good word! North-East travel is on my to-do list! I just remember memorizing the states and capitals in high school geography class! Kohima was always memorable.

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Lol, wild, for sure! And I definitely recommend it. I need to see the western half, myself. So, it sounds like we’ve got a bit of traveling to do!

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023Author

Sure thing! I hear Sikkim is very beautiful too.

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My grandmother has friends in Sikkim. She always says the same thing. It’s been on the list for a while. Next time!

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“The cruel price of war” hear, hear! This was wonderful! My family--not Indian--has some long standing ties with India, specifically, Nagaland, which has a similar memorial in their capital, Kohima. It’s a remarkable site in all its simplicity, which will always hold a special place in my heart.

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Oh, nice! Thanks for the share! I have never been to Nagaland.

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